Planning Board Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2013
Memorial Hall
Members Present:
W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, O. Lies, S. Carlson, J. Michalak, J. Head
Others Present:
P. Harding, Town Planner, D. Sciascia, Recording Secretary
7:04 PM: W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.
PUBLIC HEARING – ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Citizen Petition, 160 Shrewsbury Street, Residential Suburban 2 to Commercial: W. Ritter read the Public Hearing Notice into record. Abutters within 300’ were sent notice of the Public Hearing.
A citizen petition has been submitted to change the zoning designation of 160 Shrewsbury Street from R-2 to Commercial. This is the same zoning amendment that was proposed at Town Meeting in 2011 and 2012 and failed. The property is approximately 1.64 acres and is the current site of a veterinarian clinic and two apartments. According to Massachusetts General Law, a failed zoning petition can only be submitted in its identical form if the Planning Board endorses the zone change. If the proposal does not receive a favorable recommendation from the Planning Board no action will be taken on the Town Meeting floor. The Board has a copy of the petition, parcel information and a zoning table for review.
Public Comment:
- Terry Fraser, 91 Mark Bradford Dr, Petitioner: Informed the Board that the veterinary clinic is leaving. It’s been the family property for over 50 years. They can’t borrow money against it without making it commercially zoned property.
- Jerrold Cote, 146 Shrewsbury St: Said it has been residential longer than a business.
- Scott Charbonneau, 181 Shrewsbury St: Asked if the use could be expanded. W. Ritter said not without going before the Zoning Board.
- William Allison, 171 Shrewsbury St: Said they haven’t heard what use is proposed under the commercial zoning district. Asked if his property value is going to drop if it’s changed to commercial? He also stated that there is usually one significant accident a year at that intersection.
- Alysse Charbonneau, 181 Shrewsbury St: Is concerned with children walking in the area.
Board Comments:
- W. Ritter stated that if a zone change was not granted, any future land uses would have to be similar to the veterinarian office.
- J. Head said he previously voted against the zone change and has not changed his opinion. The area is surrounded by residential uses and there are a variety of options allowed through a special permit application.
- D. Lindberg has not been in favor of it for the last 2 years, and still is not. Mt. View School children are in the area, and he is very much against it.
- S. Carlson said that a business office is allowed to light the business.
P. Harding stated that under the business office/professional zoning district, doctors’ offices would be allowed.
- J. Michalak stated that some good businesses would work well. He would want to know about the hours of operation.
- O. Lies said that this is a typical New England town intersection, and should maintain the current character.
- D. Lindberg said that with a zoning change to Commercial, two residential rental units are not an allowed use.
- J. Michalak said under current zoning, the property owner could submit an application for a special permit to the ZBA for a change to a non-conforming use.
D. Lindberg motioned to close the Public Hearing. J. Head seconded. All in favor.
J. Head made a motion to not recommend the change of the Zoning District for 160 Shrewsbury Street to commercial, due to the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 5-1. O. Lies voted to support the zoning change at Town Meeting. The Planning Board will not recommend the zone change so no action can be taken at Town Meeting.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.
HIGHLANDS OF HOLDEN (f.k.a. Deer Run) - Petition is for Street Acceptance. The applicant has made progress towards completing items on the punch list but still has a few outstanding items to address, including a camera inspection of the stormwater treatment structures and outlet piping. A punch list was provided to C & S Builders dated 5/10/13.
W. Ritter said the Board should meet before town meeting at 6:45 PM. The Homeowners Associations are on record with the town.
S. Carlson is concerned about the detention ponds and who maintains them.
- December 11, 2012: D. Lindberg motioned to approve. J. Head seconded. Vote 5-0-1. S. Carlson abstained from the vote. Approved.
- February 26, 2013: D. Lindberg motioned to approve. S. Carlson seconded. J. Head & J. Michalak abstained from the vote. Vote 4-0-2. Approved.
- March 19, 2013: D. Lindberg motioned to approve. J. Head seconded. Vote 6-0. Approved.
- April 23, 2013: D. Lindberg motioned to approve. J. Head seconded. S. Carlson abstained from the vote. Vote 5-0-1. Approved.
- Walkable Communities Program: There are some areas of town that should be studied.
- Zoning Reformat Act: O. Lies presented information to the Board outlining the reform bill.
NEXT MEETING: May 28, 2013
D. Lindberg motioned to adjourn. J. Michalak, seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 8:05 PM.
May 14, 2013 Minutes approved: December 10, 2013
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary
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